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Fill out the form, validate your email, and discover our tools for free for 1 month.

We value your privacy and security. When you sign up, we only request access to your Smartsheet account for the specific tasks you’ve chosen to automate. We do not store your data, and your Smartsheet information remains secure at all times

At Smarteky, your privacy is our priority. Here’s what happens when you connect your Smartsheet account:

  • Temporary Access Only: We only access your Smartsheet data for the specific automations and tasks you’ve authorized.
  • No Data Storage: We do not store, replicate, or share any of your Smartsheet data. All information remains securely within your Smartsheet environment.
  • Complete Control: You can revoke Smarteky’s access to your Smartsheet account at any time directly from your Smartsheet settings.

Save time on Smartsheet tasks. Start automating today!


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